If you are considering purchasing a business, you have some homework ahead of you. You need to do some digging to ensure that you are spending your money wisely and that the company is a good investment. Asking the right questions now can go a long way toward learning whether this particular business is the
Read More ›Your bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for up to ten years. While that fact may seem daunting, you can make smart choices in other areas to increase your credit score and counteract the bankruptcy listing. The bankruptcy will also have less of an impact over time as well. Use the following tips and
Read More ›Traditionally, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is for individuals. Most businesses will not be able to file Chapter 13. Instead, they will use either Chapter 7 for a liquidation or Chapter 11, which is specifically targeted toward businesses. However, there are situations where small businesses may still qualify to use Chapter 13. When Can a Small Business
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