Just like individuals, businesses can fall on hard financial times. If this has happened to your business, you may be considering bankruptcy as a way to either eliminate or restructure debt so you can save your business. But if bankruptcy is a possibility, there are a number of mistakes that you need to avoid. Even
Read More ›If your business is going through financial problems, you may be worried about having to file for bankruptcy. While that is sometimes the only viable option, it should be considered as a last resort. In many cases, a business can use a process known as an out-of-court workout to help get their finances cleaned up
Read More ›Contrary to what is commonly believed, bankruptcy isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. In fact, you’ve likely heard of different “chapters” of bankruptcy before on the news or in business publications. And while bankruptcy proceedings can be a method for shutting down operations, bankruptcy can also help protect a business from being forced to close simply because
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