Your bankruptcy will stay on your credit report for up to ten years. While that fact may seem daunting, you can make smart choices in other areas to increase your credit score and counteract the bankruptcy listing. The bankruptcy will also have less of an impact over time as well. Use the following tips and
Read More ›Traditionally, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is for individuals. Most businesses will not be able to file Chapter 13. Instead, they will use either Chapter 7 for a liquidation or Chapter 11, which is specifically targeted toward businesses. However, there are situations where small businesses may still qualify to use Chapter 13. When Can a Small Business
Read More ›When you are on the edge of filing for bankruptcy, your credit score could likely use some work. Getting behind on payments and having amounts in collections is horrible for your credit, but for many people that are considering bankruptcy, there is little they can do to meet their monthly obligations. Bankruptcy does harm your
Read More ›One in four small businesses struggles with cash flow. Cash flow problems can lead to a bankruptcy filing even for profitable companies, where the business simply does not have the cash to pay their debts as they come due, even if they have more assets than liabilities. Unfortunately, being unable to pay current obligations is
Read More ›Businesses face a variety of legal requirements and must comply at any given minute. Failure to follow specific laws or procedures can put your business in hot water with taxing authorities, civil rights entities, unions, and more. While your policies and practices may have been in compliance when they were implemented, legal requirements change over
Read More ›If your business has been operating in the red for months or years on end, it may be time to consider bankruptcy. Generally speaking, there are two bankruptcy options for small businesses that are considering bankruptcy: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Some small businesses may also want to consider Chapter 11 bankruptcy, but that particular
Read More ›Buying an existing business can be a bold move that pays off, or it can be the biggest risk you’ll ever take. There are many unknowns in purchasing a business that is already up and running. We understand that the entire process can seem intimidating and overwhelming. However, if you scrutinize the situation and take
Read More ›When it comes to the IRS, the adage that it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission can have costly repercussions. Luckily, the IRS does offer a method whereby taxpayers can ask permission before they take a contemplated step that might later require forgiveness (which would rarely be forthcoming). These are known as private letter
Read More ›Every business wants to make a profit. Incorporating smart practices that eventually become habits can help you increase your profit margins in a significant way. To get the new year started off right, put the following habits into place now and make 2018 you and your business’s best year yet! Create and Maintain a Budget
Read More ›With the new year comes all kinds of exciting new possibilities. If you want 2018 to be your best year yet, you should start considering what you can do now to improve profits, internal procedures, and efficiencies. Below are just a few tips to get you started. Consider where to invest in your business. While
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