You should periodically take the time to examine your business’s financial health, and the end of the year is a great time to make it happen. Understanding where you stand from an economic perspective is the only way that your company can fix problem areas and steps toward growth. If you are planning a big
Read More ›Small business owners put a lot on the line for their business. They often invest their life savings or put up personal collateral to get the venture off the ground. Slow times in sales can be terrifying in these situations. Small business owners may start to panic and start thinking about extremes, like bankruptcy. Take
Read More ›Taking a good long hard look at your financial statements can be extremely beneficial in getting a realistic picture of where a company is heading from a financial standpoint. Specific “red flags” in your finances can easily be spotted in your monthly or annual financial statements. You just have to know what you are looking
Read More ›According to the Institute for College Access and Success, as of 2014, seven in 10 students who graduated from public and nonprofit colleges had student loan debt. The average debt load was roughly $29,000. In the past decade, the average amount of debt at graduation has risen substantially to more than twice of the rate
Read More ›When you drive off the lot with your newly leased or financed car, you’re likely glowing with the thrill of ownership when “pride in possession” might be a more apt description. You don’t own the car yet, and you technically won’t until you pay off the loan in full. Until then, there’s always a risk
Read More ›An employee handbook set outs fundamental information about your company and the employee’s role(s) within your business. It covers the basic need-to-know information about the company as a whole as well as more in-depth data regarding policies and procedures that affect individual employees on a daily basis. Because the employee handbook contains so much information,
Read More ›Legal compliance can be extremely difficult, especially for small businesses. Depending on the type of business you have, your day-to-day activities may be affected by literally hundreds of laws at any given time. How can you ensure that you are compliant at all times? An internal legal audit may be a good starting point. What
Read More ›With the staggeringly high cost of education, student loan debts today are massive for many students. When graduates struggle to find suitable employment, paying back student loans becomes an almost insurmountable task. Former students may begin to wonder whether bankruptcy is an option for them. Unfortunately, while discharging student loans in bankruptcy is possible, it
Read More ›When you owe a creditor money, whether it is for a domestic support obligation or judgment, the creditor may be able to garnish your wages. That means that a portion of your regular employment income will automatically be provided to your creditor before you see that money. The judgment creditor will let your employer know
Read More ›The second you file for bankruptcy, you are creating what is referred to as the “bankruptcy estate.” This estate includes everything that you own at the time that you file bankruptcy. This timing is important because, usually, the assets in your bankruptcy estate will determine what type of bankruptcy you can file and how much
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