3 Signs Your Company May Need to Hire a Business Attorney
Whether you have been working in business your whole life or you are brand new to the world of business, you are likely to face situations at some point or another which are “over your head,” especially when it comes to your company’s legal strategies. Rather than trying to handle everything on your own, it can be very wise to hire a business lawyer to help navigate the legal complexities of running a business. Here are some common signs that your company needs to hire a business attorney.
1) You are starting a new business
You have a great idea for a new business. You have scouted possible locations and have are ready to move forward. What do you do now? One of the first things you need to do is determine which type of legal entity you want your business to operate as. There are several different options such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. Each of these entities is quite different from a legal perspective, and a lawyer can help you set up the business structure that will best serve your business needs. Additionally, there are many other legal aspects of forming a business that need to be addressed by an attorney.
2) You discover that your business’s contracts are not as solid as you would like
Every business will have (and should!) utilize contracts at some point or another. From lease agreements with your landlord, to employee contracts, to contracts with suppliers or customers—most businesses routinely have multiple contractual obligations in existence at any given time. It is vital that you understand what you are signing before entering into a contract. A savvy business lawyer is experienced with common contract provisions, and knows which ones you will need to incorporate into your contracts, as well as which ones you need to steer clear of. If you are finding that your contracts are easily challenged or that you are consistently getting the “raw end of the deal,” it is almost certainly a good idea to have a business attorney review and draft your contracts for you.
3) An unsatisfied customer is threatening legal action
Businesses deal with unhappy customers on a regular basis. After all, you can’t make everyone happy all the time, right? While some threatened legal actions are completely frivolous, others can be quite serious. The actions a business takes before a potential lawsuit is filed can be critical in determining the outcome of a case. It is much better to get legal advice at the pre-litigation stage when your business’ risks are manageable than to wait until your business has been sued only to discover that costly mistakes have been made. An experienced business lawyer can help your business avoid costly mistakes in the first place. Additionally, a skilled business attorney can put protections in place to minimize your risk of lawsuits before they actually occur.
If you find that your business is in need of legal guidance, no matter the circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact the business and bankruptcy law office of Maxwell Dunn today and let us work to improve your legal practices and protect what you’ve worked so hard to build.